About us

There is a new kind of founder!
The Activist Founder.
A Startup can be a powerful and effective vehicle for activism. Activist Founders leverage that power to promote and direct social, political, economic and/or environmental change. They want to create a safe and just space for all of humanity through their ventures.As an activist founder, it's not easy to get your business off the ground. That's why I'm so excited to launch Activist Founder, an accelerator, community, and resource for activist founders. We believe that businesses can and should be a force for positive change in the world, and we're here to support and connect founders who are leading the charge.We offer a range of resources and support, from online courses and webinars to a monthly newsletter and an active online community. We also host regular meetups and events, so you can connect with other activist founders in your area.If you're a founder who wants to use your business to make a positive impact on the world, I invite you to join us. Together, we can change the world, one business at a time.Find out more about our team:

Our Work

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Raymond Hannes

Hi I'm Raymond Hannes, and I'm an Activist Founder. Activist Founders actively contribute to a safe and just world for all of humanity through startup ventures.We are activists first, and we use our startup ventures to direct social, political, economic and environmental reform.Activist Founders are profitable because they make an impact!